Scandic Continental

Hotel Booking

Booking code: "BRIL231224".

The hotel is Scandic Continental, Vasagatan 22, Stockholm, subway station T-Centralen.
Hotel rooms are available at the following prices per night, including breakfast:

Single cabin room: 770 SEK
Double cabin room: 870 SEK
Single standard room: 930 SEK
Double standard room: 1 080 SEK
Triple room: 1 240 SEK
4 beds room: 1 440 SEK
Prices may vary depending on room category. Above prices are for cabin rooms, without window.

The booking code is valid until the 11th December.
If you still not have placed you hotel reservation, kindly e-mail, and refer to Rilton Cup.
Depending on availability, the hotel can offer a discount on the FLEX price.

Kindly see the cancellation policies on Scandics webpage.

Important information for all players under 18: Guests who are underage (less than 18 years old) must be attended by an adult who also lives at the hotel and is responsible for the underage. Please contact the hotel at to obtain a form to complete.

It is not allowed to cook food in the hotel rooms.

The booking is done at Use the booking code above.